February 08 2025

Medizzine: ERROR 404 : FILE NOT FOUND


It is possible that has been changed the file name or location within the website or the link has not been updated properly

Active ingredients

Brands of medicines

  • Medicines and Breastfeeding
  • A Medizzine original guide, based on the best scientific evidence available about risks for mother, baby and breastfeeding inherent in the use of drugs by nursing mothers.

  • Medicines and pregnancy
  • A compilation of risks to mother and baby inherent in the use of drugs by pregnant women, as classified by the FDA.

  • Adverse drug reactions
  • A database with cross references. You can choose to view the corresponding adverse reactions to a particular drug or conversely, see drugs that produce a given adverse event.

  • Drug interactions
  • Database under development on the interactions of drugs and other substances used with pharmacological or recreational purposes.

  • Medicinal plants
  • This part of the website includes a wide range of medicinal plants used popular or clinically, with a rigorous analysis of its alleged or real therapeutical and toxic properties.

  • Medizzine nutrition
  • This is a complete set of tools to analyze the nutritional status, assess energy expenditure, designing plans and diets, knowing the composition of food, preparing special type diets for patients with specific needs of fiber, salt, fat, sodium etc.

  • Information on diseases
  • Pages aimed at informing patients and caregivers about common diseases and how to properly assist the work of the physician with advice on prevention and complementary support

  • Pediatrician Tips for care to children
  • Pages with useful information to assist the work of the pediatrician with tips as preventing dental caries cure the umbilical cord and act appropriately in some common circumstances.

  • Medicines and alcoholBETA
  • Information about the risks to the patient when ingested alcohol with medications.

  • Medicines and foodsBETA
  • A Medizzine original guide about when and how taking medicines with foods and soft drinks, based on the best scientific evidence available

  • Medicines and drivingBETA
  • Guidance on the compatibility of drugs and other substances with driving or operating machinery potentially dangerous.