April 19 &


List of brands containing gliclazide   

This page contains a list of brands of authorized pharmaceutical specialties of the active principle gliclazide in the countries listed below:

Australia] [ Brazil] [ Canada] [ France] [ Germany] [ India] [ Italy] [ Japan] [ Mexico] [ Pakistan] [ Puerto Rico] [ Spain] [ Turkey] [ United Kingdom] [ U.S.A]

Given the nature of the pharmaceutical market, some specialties may be unavailable, have been removed from the pharmaceutical market or have changed its name. So that, in no case can take decisions based on the information contained in the page. MEDIZZINE is not responsible for any damage arising from the information provided, which may be incomplete or outdated.

Indications and usage     

Gliclazide is a drug which belongs to the sulfonylurea class, a group of medicines that lower blood sugar levels (antidiabetic medicine that is taken orally).

This medicine is used to treat a specific type of diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus) in adults, when diet, exercise and weight reduction alone have not a suitable effect.

Medizzine recommends consulting your doctor if you are unsure (or you do not know) why you have been given gliclazide.

Other ingredients of available commercial presentations:

Each modified release tablet contains 30 or 60 mg gliclazide. Each film-coated tablet contains 40 or 80 mg. of the active ingredient. The other ingredients are lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, calcium carbonate, colloidal anhydrous silica, magnesium stearate. The coated tablet contains glycerol.


The composition of the various presentations may vary from one country to another. We recommend you consult the information provided by your local supplier.

Important information     

This medicine contains lactose. If your doctor has told you that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact him before taking it.

Before taking the drug     

Do not use gliclazide

If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to gliclazide, to other sulfonylurea or any of the other ingredients of the medicinal product prescribed to you. If you think may be allergic, ask your doctor.

Allergy symptoms may include:

- Asthma attacks with shortness of breath, audible wheezing or rapid breathing.
- More or less sudden swelling of the face, lips, tongue or elsewhere in the body. It is especially critical if it affects the vocal cords.
- Hives, itching, rash
- Anaphylactic shock (loss of consciousness, paleness, sweating, etc.).

Nor you should take this medicine:

- If you have insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) .
- If you have ketone bodies and sugar in your urine (this may mean you have ketoacidosis), diabetic precoma or coma.
- If you have severe liver or kidney disorders.
- If you are being treated for fungal infections (miconazole).
- If you are breastfeeding.

Tell your doctor if any of the above warnings is applicable to you.

Take special care with gliclazide

You should only take this medicine if your food intake is regular (including breakfast). It is important to keep a regular intake of carbohydrates, due to the increased risk of low blood levels of sugar (hypoglycemia) if you delay or skip a meal if you eat an inadequate amount of food or if the food is low in carbohydrate.

During gliclazide treatment, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is necessary (and possibly in urine). Your doctor may order blood tests to monitor your glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

You should follow the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor in order to achieve the recommended blood sugar levels. This means taking tablets regularly, as well as diet and exercise.

In the first weeks of treatment, the risk of decreased levels of sugar (hypoglycemia) may increase. Therefore, it is vital that you are carefully monitored by your doctor.

You may have hypoglycemia:

- if you take meals irregularly or skip a meal,
- If you are fasting,
- if you are malnourished,
- if you change your diet,
- if you increase your physical activity without an appropriate increase in carbohydrate intake,
- if you drink alcohol, especially if you also skip a meal,
- if you are taking simultaneously any other medicines or natural remedies,
- if you take high doses of gliclazide,
- If you have special hormone-induced disorders (functional disorders of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland or adrenal cortex),
- if your kidney or liver function is severely impaired.

If you suffer a drop in blood sugar may have the following symptoms:

Headaches, hunger, paleness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, restlessness, aggressiveness, poor concentration, reduced alertness, delayed reaction time, depression, confusion, slurred speech or visual disturbances, tremor, sensory disturbances, dizziness, and impotence.

The following signs and symptoms may also occur:

Sweating, clammy skin, anxiety, fast or irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and strong and sudden pain in the chest that may radiate into neighboring areas (angina pectoris).

If your blood sugar levels continue to decline you may suffer a considerable confusion (delirium), convulsions, lose self-control, have superficial breathing and slower heart rate, you can stay unconscious, possibly leading to a coma. The clinical symptoms of a severe decrease level of blood sugar can resemble that of a stroke.

In most cases the symptoms of decreased blood sugar disappear very quickly when some form of sugar is consumed, for example, sugar cubes, sweets juices, sweetened tea, etc. Therefore, you should always have on hand some form of sugar (cubes sugar). Remember that sweeteners are not effective. Contact your doctor or the nearest hospital if symptoms do not remit after taking sugar.

It is possible that symptoms of decreased blood sugar pass unnoticed, develop slowly or you does not have time to recognize that your level of blood sugar has diminished.

This can happen if you are an older patient and are taking certain medications (eg those acting on the central nervous system and beta blockers). Also, it may happen if you are suffering from certain disorders of the endocrine system (eg certain disorders of the thyroid function, anterior pituitary or adrenal insufficiency).

If you are in stress situations (eg accidents, operations, infections with fever, etc.), your doctor may temporarily change to insulin therapy.

Symptoms of an increased level of blood sugar (hyperglycemia) may include thirst, frequent urination, dry mouth, dry skin rash, skin infections and reduced performance.

This may be due to inadequate control of blood sugar caused by a poor treatment compliance or stressful situations, such as infections. Contact your doctor if any of these situations occurs.

This medicine should not be used for the treatment of diabetes in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medicine only for you. Never give it to someone else.

If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Taking other medicines

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including herbal products or drugs obtained without a prescription.

It may be necessary to change the dose, or in some cases, discontinue one treatment. This applies to all types of drugs, but especially for:

The effectiveness and safety of gliclazide may be altered if taken at the same time with other medicines. Conversely, the effect of other medicines may be altered if taken simultaneously with this medicine.

The effect of lowering the blood sugar level of gliclazide may increase, thus appearing signs of a drop in blood sugar when you take any of the following medications:

- other medicines used to treat high blood sugar levels (oral antidiabetics) or insulin,
- antibiotics (e.g., sulfonamides),
- medicines to treat hypertension and heart failure (beta blockers inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors), such as captopril or enalapril),
- medicines to treat fungal infections (miconazole fluconazole),
- medicines to treat dyspepsia and ulcers stomach or duodenum (H2 receptor antagonists such as ranitidine),
- medicines to treat depression (monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
- analgesic or antirheumatic (ibuprofen phenylbutazone),
- medicines that contain alcohol.

The effect of lowering the blood sugar level of gliclazide may be weakened, thus increasing the blood sugar level when taking any of the following medications,

- medicine to treat disorders of the central nervous system ( chlorpromazine),
- drugs that inhibit inflammation (glucocorticoids),
- medicines to treat asthma (salbutamol, when administered by injection),
- drugs used during childbirth (ritodrine and terbutaline when administered by injection),
- Drugs to treat disorders of the breast, heavy menstrual bleeding, and endometriosis (danazol).

Gliclazide may potentiate anticoagulation during concurrent treatment with warfarin (a drug that inhibits blood clotting).

Consult your doctor before you start taking another medication. If you go into hospital, tell the medical staff that you are taking gliclazide.

Use with food and beverages

This medicine may be taken with food and non-alcoholic beverages. Avoid alcohol as it can alter the control of your diabetes in an unpredictable manner and can even lead to coma.

Special physiological situations

Pregnancy and lactation:

Always consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It is not recommended to take gliclazide if you are pregnant. Tell your doctor if you plan to become pregnant or if you have become pregnant.

You should not take this medicine while breast-feeding.


This medicine should not be given to children under 18 years.

Driving and using machines

Your ability to concentrate or react may be impaired if your blood sugar level is too low (hypoglycemia) or too high (hyperglycemia) or if you develop visual disturbances as a result of such situations. Note that may endanger you or others (eg when driving a car or operating machinery).

Consult your doctor if you can drive a car if

- you have frequent episodes of hypoglycemia,
- you have few symptoms of hypoglycemia or they go unnoticed

How to use gliclazide     

Follow carefully instructions of use of gliclazide provided by your doctor. Consult your doctor or pharmacist when in doubt. Follow the instructions of the physician in preference to those given in this website, which may be different. Ask your doctor to explain any aspect that you do not understand, contained in the instruction leaflet that comes with the medicine.

The gliclazide dose is determined by the physician, depending on the levels of blood sugar and possibly urine. Changes in external factors (eg weight reduction, change in lifestyle, stress) or improvements in the control of blood sugar may require changes in the dose of gliclazide.

Modified-release tablets: The recommended starting dose is 1 tablet of 30 mg once a day. The dose may vary from one up to four tablets once a day. This depends on the response to treatment. If the control of blood glucose levels is not adequate, your doctor may increase the dose in successive steps, usually separated by at least 1 month.

Gliclazide can be used to replace other oral anti-diabetic medicines exactly as your doctor has told you.

If metformin therapy starts, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, or insulin in combination with gliclazide, your doctor will determine the correct dosage of each drug for you.

Swallow the gliclazide tablets whole with a glass of water during breakfast, preferably at the same time each day. It is important not to miss any meals while taking this medicine.

80 mg tablets: The usual dose is 160 mg (two tablets). The initial dose is 80 mg (one tablet). The maximum dose is 240 mg.

If you think the effect of the medicine is too strong or too weak, consult your doctor.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

While you take gliclazide     

If a doctor prescribes another medicine, tell you are taking gliclazide.

Check with your doctor regularly developments of disorder that motivates the use of gliclazide. Maybe there is some reason that prevented you properly receive the indicated doses and induce your doctor to erroneous conclusions about treatment.

Do not restart treatment with gliclazide at your own risk without first talking to your doctor, nor encourage its use by another person, even if have the same symptoms you have. Nor is it advisable to interrupt or reduce the dose without considering the opinion of your doctor.

If you feel unwell during treatment with gliclazide, immediately consult your doctor.

If you take more than you should:

If you have taken too much gliclazide or an additional dose there is a danger of decreased levels of blood sugar (signs of hypoglycemia) and, therefore, should take immediately a sufficient amount of sugar (for example, a bunch of grapes, sugar cubes, sweet juice, sweetened tea) and inform the doctor immediately. Similarly should act if someone, for example, a child swallows accidentally this substance.

Do not give food or drink to people who are unconscious.

Since the state of hypoglycemia may last for some time, it is very important that the patient is carefully monitored until the end of the danger. The hospital admission may be necessary, as a precaution.

Severe cases of hypoglycemia accompanied by loss of consciousness and neurological failure are cases of medical emergency requiring immediate medical treatment and admission to hospital.

You should be sure that always there is an informed person that can call a doctor in case of emergency.

In the case of overdose, tell your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Take the pack and the rest of unconsumed medicine.

If you forget to take gliclazide

If you forget to take the medicine, take the next dose the next day.

You should not increase the next dose to take. Do not take a double dose to make up for missed doses.

If you stop taking gliclazide

If you interrupt or stop treatment should be aware that the control of blood sugar will worsen. If you need any changes, it is very important to contact your doctor.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Side Effects of gliclazide     

Like all medicines, gliclazide can cause side effects although not everybody gets them.

The frequency of side effects is classified into:

Very common: affect 1 out of 1-10 patients
Common: affect 1 out of 10-100 patients
Uncommon: affect 1 out of 100-1.000 patients
Rare: affect 1 out of 1.000-10.000 patients
Very Rare: affect less than 1 in 10,000 patients
Incidence not known: Can not be established the true incidence from the available data

Common side effects

- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Symptoms include sweating, pallor, hunger, irregular or fast heartbeat and loss of consciousness. The symptoms disappear after intake of glucose or sugary drinks, followed by a snack or meal. If the patient does not respond to the ingestion of sugar or does not respond, immediately call the nearest emergency department. Never put anything in the mouth of an unconscious person!

Uncommon side effects:

- Abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Indigestion
- Diarrhea
- Constipation

These effects disappear when the drug is taken with food, as recommended.

Rare side effects

- Decreased number of red blood cells (anemia).
- Alterations in blood tests (which can cause paleness, prolonged bleeding, bruising, sore throat and fever), which usually disappear when treatment is stopped.
- skin reactions such as redness, itching, and hives (rash). severe skin reactions may also appear.
- Alteration of liver analysis, which can cause jaundice (yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes).
- Your vision may be affected for a short time, especially in early treatment. This effect is due to changes in levels of blood sugar.

These effects gradually disappear when you stop taking the medicine.

For other sulfonylureas have been described very rarely severe changes in the number of blood cells and allergic inflammation of the wall of blood vessels.

With other sulfonylureas have been observed signs and symptoms of hepatic impairment (eg jaundice) which disappears after the withdrawal of medication in most cases, but in isolated cases may lead to liver failure.

This list does not include all adverse reactions associated with the use of gliclazide, both well established as those that are under consideration or confirmation. In case you feel unwell, should immediately consult with the doctor who prescribed this medicine.

If you notice any side effects not listed in this website or in the leaflet accompanying the package, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

If any of the side effects gets serious, tell your doctor or pharmacist.

List of brands containing gliclazide     

This page contains a list of brands of authorized pharmaceutical specialties of the active principle gliclazide in the countries listed below:

Australia] [ Brazil] [ Canada] [ France] [ Germany] [ India] [ Italy] [ Japan] [ Mexico] [ Pakistan] [ Puerto Rico] [ Spain] [ Turkey] [ United Kingdom] [ U.S.A]

Given the nature of the pharmaceutical market, some specialties may be unavailable, have been removed from the pharmaceutical market or have changed its name. So that, in no case can take decisions based on the information contained in the page. MEDIZZINE is not responsible for any damage arising from the information provided, which may be incomplete or outdated.


With exceptions expressly indicated, these lists do not include active principle associations with other drugs or clinical use containers.


APO-GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg 100 modified release tablets
ARDIX GLICLAZIDE MR 60 mg, 60 modified release tablets
CHEMMART GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, 100 tablets
CHEMMART GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg 100 modified release tablets
DIAMICRON MR 60 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GENRX GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, 100 tablets
GLYADE 80 mg, 100 tablets
GLYADE MR 30 mg 100 modified release tablets
NIDEM 80 mg, 100 tablets
TERRY WHITE CHEMISTS GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg 100 modified release tablets


AZUKON MR 30 mg, 30 modified release tablets
DIAMICRON MR 30 mg, 15-30-60 modified release tablets
GLICARON 80 mg, 30-60 tablets
GLICLAZIDA RANBAXY 30 mg, 30-60 modified release tablets


ACT GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
APO-GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
APO-GLICLAZIDE MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
DIAMICRON MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
DIAMICRON 80 mg, tablets
PRO DOC GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
MINT-GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
MYLAN-GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
MYLAN-GLICLAZIDE MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
PMS-GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
TEVA-GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets


DIAMICRON 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ARROW 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ARROW 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE BGR 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE EG 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE EG 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE EG 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ISOMED 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE KRKA 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE KRKA 60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE MYLAN 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE MYLAN 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE MYLAN PHARMA 60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE QUALIMED 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE RATIOPHARM 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE RPG 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE RPG 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE SANDOZ 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE SANDOZ 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE SERVIER 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE TEVA 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE TEVA 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE ZENTIVA 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ZYDUS 30 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ZYDUS 80 mg, tablets
GLYDIUM 30 mg, modified release tablets


DIAMICRON MR 60 mg, modified release tablets


ALGID 80 mg, tablets
AVIGIC 80 mg, tablets
AZUKON 80 mg, tablets
AZUKON-MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
CGRON 30-60-80 mg, tablets
CLAZ-OD 30-60 mg, capsules
COMZID 40-80 mg, tablets
D-CLIC 40-80 mg, tablets
DEBGONE 80 mg, tablets
DIABEND 40-80 mg, tablets
DIABEND-MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
DIABIC 80 mg, tablets
DIAGLI 40-80 mg, tablets
DIALAZ 40-80 mg, tablets
DIAMICRON-XR 60 mg, modified release tablets
DIANORM 40-80 mg, tablets
DIANORM-OD 30-60 mg, tablets
DIAOB 80 mg, tablets
DIATROL 80 mg, tablets
DIAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
DIBEND MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
DIZIDE 80 mg, tablets
EUCLIDE 40-80 mg, tablets
FORDIB 30-60-80 mg, tablets
GLATIX 40-80m mg, tablets
GLAZID 80 mg, tablets
GLIC 40-80 mg, tablets
GLICAN 80 mg, tablets
GLICIA 40-80 mg, tablets
GLICAFIN 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAN 80 mg, tablets
GLICATAN 80 mg, tablets
GLICAZ 80 mg, tablets
GLICRON 80 mg, tablets
GLIDEN-MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLIDIET-80 80 mg, tablets
GLISAFE 80 mg, tablets
GLITAL 40-80 mg, tablets
GLITYX 40-80 mg, tablets
GLIX 40-80 mg, tablets
GLIX-MR 60 mg, modified release tablets
GLIZA 80 mg, tablets
GLIZID 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLIZID 40-80 mg, tablets
GLUCOACT 40-80 mg, tablets
GLUCOFIT 30-40-80 mg, capsules
GLUCOFIL 80 mg, tablets
GLUCOZID 80 mg, tablets
GLURIB 40-80 mg, tablets
GLUTIDE-CR 30-60 mg, capsules
GLYCA 80 mg, tablets
GLYCHEK 40-80 mg, tablets
GLICIGON 80 mg, tablets
GLYCINORM 40-80-160 mg, tablets
GLYCOR 80 mg, tablets
GLYCOZIDE 80 mg, tablets
GLYFIX-80 80 mg, tablets
GLYGARD 80 mg, tablets
GLYLOC 40-80 mg, tablets
GLYNEED 40-80 mg, tablets
GLYRED 40-80 mg, tablets
GLYSSIS 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLYZEE 80 mg, tablets
GLZ 40-80 mg, tablets
INTRAGLY 40-80 mg, tablets
JOZIDE 80 mg, tablets
KAMPEX 40-80 mg, tablets
LIZ 40-80 mg, tablets
LO-G 40-80 mg, tablets
LYCAZID 80 mg, tablets
MEGLYDE 80 mg, tablets
NOVOZID 80 mg, tablets
NUZIDE 30-40-60-80 mg, tablets
RECLIDE 30-40-60-80 mg, tablets
REMICRON MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
SEMI-DIABEND 40 mg, tablets
SEMI-GLYCA 40 mg, tablets
SEMI-GLYCIGON 40 mg, tablets
SUGRID 80 mg, tablets
ZUKER 40-80 mg, tablets


DIABREZIDE 80 mg, 40 tablets
DIAMICRON 80 mg, 40 tablets
DIAMICRON 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
DIAZID 80 mg, 40 tablets
DRAMION 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GALTES 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICADA 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ALMUS 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE ALTER 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE DOC G 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE DOC G 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE EUROGENERICI 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE MOLTENI 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE MYLAN GEN 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE MYLAN GEN 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE PENSA 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE TEVA 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE TEVA 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ZENTIVA 80 mg, 40 tablets
GLICLAZIDE ZENTIVA 30 mg, 60 modified release tablets
GLUCOBLOC 80 mg, 40 tablets


GLICLAZIDE KN 20-40 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE NISSIN 20-40 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE NP 20-40 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE SAWAI 20-40 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE TOWA 20-40 mg, tablets
GLIMICRON 20-40 mg, tablets


DIAMICRON MR 30 mg, 30 modified release tablets


APTIZID 80 mg, tablets
AZIDE 80 mg, tablets
DB-ZIDE 80 mg, tablets
DIABETRON 80 mg, tablets
DIABO 80 mg, tablets
DIAMICRON 80 mg, tablets
DIAMICRON-MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
DIAMIDE 80 mg, tablets
DICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
DIOCID 80 mg, tablets
GETZID MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
GETZID MR 60 mg, modified release tablets
GLARE 80 mg, tablets
GLAZE 80 mg, tablets
GLIC-SIL 80 mg, tablets
GLICALA 80 mg, tablets
GLICAZ 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAMED 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZ 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
GLICOTRON 80 mg, tablets
GLIDE 80 mg, tablets
GLIMICRON 80 mg, tablets
GLINEXT 60 mg, modified release tablets
GLIZID-80 80 mg, tablets
GLUCOSIDE-MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
LOWGLUCO 80 mg, tablets
NIDONIL 80 mg, tablets
NODIBET 30 mg, extended-release tablets
NODIBET 80 mg, tablets
PROTECT 80 mg, tablets
PROZIDE 80 mg, tablets
SCICON MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
SCICON MR 60 mg, modified release tablets
SUCRONIL 80 mg, tablets
SUGCON 80 mg, tablets
TAGAMICRON 80 mg, tablets
TRYMICRON MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
ZACLAZIDE 80 mg, tablets
ZENZIDE 80 mg, tablets


DIAMICRON 80 mg, 20- 60 tablets
GLICLAZIDA MERCK 30 mg, 60 modified-release tablets
GLICLAZIDA TEVA30 mg, 60 modified-release tablets
UNIDIAMICRON 30 mg, 60-100 modified-release tablets


BETANORM 80 mg, tablets
BETANORM MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
DIAKLAZID MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
DIALIVE MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
DIAMICRON 80 mg, tablets
DIAMICRON MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
DIATIME MR 60 mg, modified release tablets
DIAWAY MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
EFIKAS MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
EFIKAS 30 mg, tablets
EFIKAS MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLICLA MR 30-60 mg, modified release tablets
GLUMIKRON 80 mg, tablets
HIPOGLIS 30 mg, modified release tablets
MELLIDYS MR 30 mg, modified release tablets
ORAMIKRON 80 mg, tablets

United Kingdom:     

BILXONA 30-60 mg, modified-release tablets
DACADIS MR 30 mg, 28-56 modified-release tablets
DIAMICRON 80 mg, 60 tablets
DIAMICRON MR 30 mg 28-56 modified-release tablets
GLICLAZIDE ACCORD 80 mg, tablets
GLICLAZIDE ACTAVIS 80 mg, 28-60 tablets
GLICLAZIDE ALMUS PHARMA 80 mg, 28-60 tablets
GLICLAZIDE KENT PHARMA 30 mg, 28-56 modified-release tablets
GLICLAZIDE KENT PHARMA 80 mg, 28-60 tablets
GLICLAZIDE SANDOZ 80 mg, 28 tablets
GLICLAZIDE TEVA 80 mg, 28 tablets
GLICLAZIDE WOCKHARDT 80 mg, 28-60 tablets
LAAGLYDA MR 60 mg, 28 modified-release tablets
NAZDOL MR 30 mg 28-56 modified-release tablets
VAMJU 30-60 mg, modified-release tablets
ZICLASEG 30 mg, prolonged-release tablets
ZICRON 40 mg, 28 tablets

U.S.A. and Puerto Rico:     


Page updated: December 11, 2010.