September 14 2024

Calculation of daily calories you eat

This option allows you to calculate with a good approximation the total caloric intake throughout a day and contrast this with the actual calorie consumption of your body (using another tool available in this web site). It is also possible to make a diet adjusted to a known amount of calories.

You can select up to a total of 12 foods from a large list we offer and probably is sufficient in most cases to make the menu for every day.

In the next step should indicate the amount ingested of each. This web application will show you the essentials of food composition and quantities selected.

With this tool you can create a diet to your liking, both the amount of calories you consume as the amount of fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber and other constituents.

You can also modify, delete or add any food to the selected list. We hope these pages will prove useful.

FIRST STEP: Select foods from your diet


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