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To improve or normalize your weight, the first thing is to know your degree of overweightand how much weight need to lose to make it normal. It is not advisable lose more kilos than necessary, nor is it realistic to try to lose more weight than you can accomplish. For most of those who are overweight, losing more than nine or ten kilos during a maximum of nine months have no many posibilities of being achieved or, at least, maintained for a long time. For most people, being overweight is a chronic and prolonged state, which is reached by a combination of two factors:

1. Excess calorie intake.

2. Lack of calorie expenditure by physical activity.

Obesity and overweight are chronic diseases, against which you will have to fight all your life and should therefore not to be prepared to fight in a great and unique battle but win in multiple small battles each day, including both discrete but significant changes in your diet asd changing your lifestyle, your way of living.

Must be convinced that the only secret to ensure better weight permanently is to eat slightly less calories than you expend. There is no other way to deal with obesity and overweight:

1. Increase calorie expenditure through increased physical activity. A useful tool to program increases activity will be found in the following link, click here.

2. Reduce consumption of calories within prudent limits, so that does not cause you some fearsome undesirable effects, such as a lack of gratification, that inevitably leads to a long term overcompensation and the abandonment of your plan.

3. A combination of the above two measures, which seems the most appropriate option.

In our plan are addressed the following consecutive steps:

Step 1: Calculation of body mass index and weight in excess.

Step 2: Calculation of calorie expenditure you currently have.

Step 3: Calculation of calories to spend to reduce weight you need within 6 or 9 months. After this period can be started a new reduction weight plan if necessary.

Step 4: Selection of the composition of the diet and physical exercise additional.

1st step: Calculation of body mass index and weight in excess

Indicate age (18-80 years)    


Indicate weight in kilos (30 to 190 kg)    


Indicate height in centimeters (130 to 220 cm)    


Indicate sex    


Indicate degree of activity    


Degrees of daily activity

Sedentary :

Includes those people with a degree of low or no activity, including people dependent upon caregivers. This degree includes for example, read, watch TV, play games, grooming tasks, etc..

Light activity :

Most office staff, professionals such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, students, employees, housewives with availability of appliances. These people distribute most of its activity between standing or sitting. At least one hour should include moderate activity (tennis, cycling, dancing, etc.). Otherwise, it should be noted as sedentary.

Moderate activity

Personal with light industrial job, power lines, handicrafts, agriculture and fisheries, construction or housewives without appliances. If you are among those with light physical activity, to include in moderate activity, you should make 1.5 to 2 hours of daily exercise .

Intense activity :

This section includes full-time athletes, some farmers with especially hard work, forestry workers, active soldiers, miners, steelworkers, etc..

Extreme activity :

Lumberjacks, blacksmiths, women in construction, workers of manual excavations, etc. People covered here exercise during most of the day moderate or severe exercise.